Mainlly if your PC is powerfull enough to run a game or have a multicore CPU in single core games (medieval only uses 1 core after all). Like when you put your browser full screen (F11)

It works like a window which fills absolutely the whole screen. Budeme rádi, kdy nám svj názor napíe na nai facebookovou stránku. Nae výsledky vyhledávání se budeme postupn snait zpesnit. And you dont have to wait minimizing/maximizing because you dont really do it, you just make the browser go on top over the game. Na této stránce se ti snaíme vybrat ty nejlepí online hry, které si u nás zahraje zdarma a mohly by se ti líbit, protoe si vyhledával/a age of war 2 full screen. * Good things: You can minimize, switch to your web browser while turn loads. Kaiser, what it does its that the game its played in a "window" but they remove borders and put it to max resolution so it looks like full screen.īad things: Full screen focuses all resources on the game and windowed mode shares with OS and other programms. Altho just for fun, playing SS campaign atm.

I thought it didnt and was trying to do it manually. Could you keep us informed as to how this progresses? This feature in SS 6.3 has to be the most nifty feature implemented, soo much so that it has me still fixated upon M2TW despite the slow end turn times which is cleverly helps avoid! Good job on highlighting this, by the way, have some + Rep!